
Argyle Pink Diamond Rings and Jewellery

HomeJewelleryArgyle Pink Diamond Rings and Jewellery

Argyle Pink Variety 

Metal Urges proudly offers a wide range of Australian mined and sourced Argyle pink diamonds, champagne diamonds, and cognac diamonds. The Argyle diamond mine in Western Australia produced a staggering quantity of diamond. In fact it made Australia the largest diamond producing country annually on several different occasions.

Predominant colours

The gem quality diamonds mined at the Argyle diamond mine were predominantly champagne and cognac in colour. Much smaller quantities of white diamond, yellow diamond and blue diamond were also recovered.

Values and rarity

The Argyle pink diamond is considered the most valuable substance on the planet by either weight or volume, perfect for the ultimate jewellery gift for a loved one.

This rare Argyle pink diamond makes up a tiny percentage of the overall material recovered and will soon be unavailable all together. Champagne and cognac diamonds, as the name suggests, come in a range of beautiful warm colours and make stunning jewellery.


After 37 years of operations and the production of approximately 865 million carats of diamond rough, the Argyle mine closed in November 2020. Through its extensive contact networks, Metal Urges continues to source and maintain a collection of these rare and precious pink and coloured Australian diamonds. Please contact us for further information and to discuss availability.

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